Ms. Shivani
Jain, Senior Programme Coordinator, CEE, Networking and
Capacity Building, has been invited to join the
Steering Committee of the CEC as Vice Chair, South Asia.
Ms. Jain has been involved in coordinating CEC�s
activities in Asia, through SASEANEE, the South and Southeast Asia
Network for Environmental Education for over a decade now.
As CEE faculty, Ms. Jain is also involved in a variety of
regional and international programmes in ESD, especially
in-service capacity building and networking for about 13
years now and has presented a number of regional papers,
articles in a variety of themes within ESD.
Commission on Education and Communication, CEC, is the
think tank on education related matters of IUCN, the
world�s largest network of conservation practitioners and
association with the IUCN and CEC dates back almost two
decades now. CEC launched its first major Asian
initiative, SASEANEE , in partnership with CEE in the year
1993. Mr. Kartikeya Sarabhai, Director CEE has served
three terms as the Asia Chair on the CEC Steering
Committee. This role was later played by Ms. Meena
Raghunathan during 2003-05. Several other faculty member
of CEE also serve as active members of some of the other
Commissions of IUCN, including the WCPA, SSC, etc.