Partnership Across the Gulfs |
An exciting and fruitful partnership is underway between the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) and CEE. A range of collaborative activities are envisaged to be carried out over a five-year period till 2014. Both the organizations have earlier worked closely on training initiatives.
This year has already seen some interesting activities.
Environment Champion Game
The board game has both Arabic and English versions
CEE's Children's Media Unit has developed and designed a board game in the popular Snakes (replaced by Ropes to break the usual association that snakes are bad) and Ladders format for EAD. The game includes environmental and conservation messages which are relevant to the Emirate . The Game is for the participants of the 2008-2009 print version of Enviro-Spellathon, an environmental awareness programme targeting students aged between 6 to 13 years of age with an aim to increase the environmental awareness of the students in primary schools in Abu Dhabi Emirate. This year over 1,70,000 students took part in the print as well as the online version of the programme. Close to 50,000 copies of the game have been distributed as part of the Spellathon.
Global Youth Discussion Forum
How much do youth know about Climate Change? Do they perceive the kinds of threats that their countries could face due to Climate Change? What are the governments of their countries doing in this context? These aspects and more related to the theme ‘Uniting to Combat Climate Change' were animatedly discussed together by youth located in Ahmedabad, Toronto , Abu Dhabi and Johannesburg .
The India panel was facilitated by CEE's Children's Media Unit and Youth Environment Network
This was in the form of a video conference that connected young panelists from five continents. The Global Youth Discussion Forum was organized by EAD as part of the WED 2009 celebrations. The discussion was moderated by Ms Gayatri Raghwa, Specialist Program Developer of EAD.
What more should be done by youth? What kind of actions can youth take up? The youth teams plan to continue the discussion through an online forum, sharing experiences and taking positive action. |
Building Capacities
CEE Andhra Pradesh is working as State Environment Resource Agency (SERA) for the Tamil Nadu Empowerment and Poverty Reduction Project- Vazhndhu Kaattuvom Project (VKP) which has been implemented in the 15 districts of Tamil Nadu. Main objective of CEE as SERA is the implementation of Environment Management Framework (EMF) in the project districts. One of the core responsibilities of SERA is to give capacity building support to the Environment Appraisers and Core Group of Trainers. CEE Andhra Pradesh brings with it expertise in facilitating the implementation of EMF for AP State Government with the support of
World Bank, from 2002 to 2007.
The objectives of the programmes are to orient the Project Functionaries on EMF; to help participants understand the link between livelihood and environment; to familiarize them in using the Technical and Environmental Guidelines for Environment Assessment process and to appraise the participants of the environmental benefits, technical details, economic benefits of the identified livelihood activities for the districts.
District level training programmes were organized in 6 VKP districts viz., Cuddalore, Theni, Ramanathapuram, Kanchipuram, Namakkal, Nagapattinam between 14 November 2008 to 19 June 2009.
CEE is facilitating the district level training programmes on EMF for the Project Functionaries |
"Thanks a lot for mailing me the CEE newsletters. They are very interesting, informative, educative and inspiring."
Prof. Dr. Uma Joshi
Faculty of Family and Community Sciences
M.S. University, Vadodara |
Gender and Water
CEE North and Gender and Water Alliance (GWA) organized a day-long consultation workshop on Hindi Resource Guide on Gender in Water Management on 8 June 2009 . The Hindi Guide is being adapted, translated and updated from English Resource Guide developed by GWA in the year 2006. The guide is a reference document to assist water and gender practitioners and professionals as well as persons responsible for gender mainstreaming.
The Workshop was attended by 20 participants from expert institutions from Rajasthan, Orissa, Uttarakhand, MP and UP.
The resource guide is divided into 5 chapters which discuss the 13 sub-sectors where gender is critically linked with water. This is linked with 30 case studies around the world. The Hindi guide will soon join 7 other language editions and will be available online on the GWA website. Hard copy and soft copy of the guide will be available with CEE.
For more information on the guide, please visit: |
Saving the Ganges Dolphin
CEE North has developed a school package focusing on dolphins in river Ganges . The teachers' manual Dolphins in Danger has 5 sections, each including information and activity ideas on different aspects related to dolphins, with special reference to river dolphins and their conservation. A set of posters, stickers and name slips are part of the school package.
The manual was developed as a part of the project School Education to support Gangetic Dolphin Conservation which was supported by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India under its Environmental Orientation to School Education scheme.
The project was initiated as part of the International Year of the Dolphin Campaign in 2007. This activity is also a part of UN DESD.
Greening a Summer Camp
CEE Madhya Pradesh was invited by Regional Museum of Natural History, Bhopal to facilitate a session on Environmental Games as a part of their summer camp for students. 35 students from class 8, 9 and 10 from different schools of Bhopal participated.
‘Who Am I' guess game served to sharpen the skills of classification and logical thinking. |
Dilip Chakravarty and Joseph from CEE conducted a series of Environmental Games with the students. The session combined learning with a lot of fun. In the ‘Location Map' game, students picked a card and located the various protected areas of Madhya Pradesh including Biosphere Reserves, National Parks and Sanctuaries. ‘Web of Life' helped to visually bring out the inter-connectedness of various components of nature. The students also voted for their Paryavaran Ambassador for the ongoing Kaun Banega Paryavaran Ambassador Campaign.
Students pasted the different components related to a tree to build a composite picture of tree as an ecosystem. |
Today's Child Tomorrow's Future; Towards 2020 : Planning Ahead
INARE (Institute of Sustainable Development and Management of Natural Resources) in association with CEE, is going to organize an International Conference on Climate Change from 29 - 31 October 2009 in Athens, Greece. Climate Change is one of the greatest and most complex challenges that the international community has to deal with today, to have a better tomorrow for our children.
Mr. Prabhjot Sodhi, National Coordinator for the GEF UNDP Small Grants Programme India participated, on behalf of CEE, in the preconference workshop from 16 - 22 June 2009 in Greece. This workshop focussed on finalization of the October Conference agenda, creating a network with the partners to share practices and implementation, sharing responsibilities and initiating discussions on collaborations and partnerships leading to concrete projects on sustainable consumption and production in the respective sectors.
WaRM Summer Activities
CEE's Waste and Resource Management group WaRM has been sharing experiences and providing expert inputs both at home and abroad. A seminar on Process Modification Approaches for Waste Minimization for Textile Industries was organised by CEE Jodhpur and Pollution Control Board at Jodhpur . A field trial of bio-filters for removing heavy metal from industrial effluents was also carried out during this occasion.
WaRM activities were presented in several forums at the 5 th World Environmental Education Conference in Montreal in May. Dr. Shyamala Mani, Programme Director, Waste and Resource Management, presented a paper on the polybags weaving initiative by RCE Kodagu. The paper titled CEEs Ecofriendly Recycling Unit for plastic waste management discussed the innovative approach of plastic waste management. She also presented a paper in the NGO forum titled Establishing Relation between Healthcare Establishment Waste Management and Educational Programme. It highlighted CEE's healthcare establishment waste management and education programme, and CHAMP (Common Healthcare and Appropriate Management Plant).
WaRM Delhi will be organizing the Waste Management Conference as part of India Environment Summit '09 at New Delhi from September 14-16, 2009 . The summit is jointly supported by Ministry of Environment and Forests and European Union, and coordinated by IRWM&Co, New Delhi .