Endogenous Tourism Endogenous Tourism
Endogenous Tourism project is carried out by The Ministry of Tourism, Govt of India and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with local implementing NGOs. The project aims to develop selected rural destinations in India as rural tourism villages. The activities of the project have been organized into hardware and software components. Hardware components include construction and renovation work of building, roads and water facilities and software activities include community sensitization, training and capacity building, and skill upgradation. CEE implements the software activities in Sualkuchi, a weaving village in Kamrup district of Assam that has been recognized by UNDP as the “Manchester of the East”. Sualkuchi, the largest village of Assam, is famous for its traditional handloom and rich cultural heritage. It offers a unique experience of Silk weaving practices right from reeling to weaving. Thousands of visitors visit Sualkuchi every year.
The aim of the project is to offer tourists a unique experience and give the community a sustainable livelihood in the form of tourism. Once the villagers are capacity-built to handle tourists, the project will be handed over to the Village Tourism Committee.
CEE’s focuses on building Community Institution in form of a Village Tourism Committee and to capacity-built the same to handle tourists effectively. Tourism capacity building programme includes the aspects of networking, site marketing, hospitality, traditional local cuisines, interpretation skill and language skill. Since tourism in North-East India is a seasonal activity, the project also tries to develop community skills for diversified livelihood. For this CEE is promoting Self Help Groups (SHGs) and training them for sustainable diversified livelihood. CEE is engaged to revive the traditional cultural heritage of the area to make a package of dance forms, songs and traditional games that are unique to Assam. Contact:
CEE North East
Chenikuthi, K.K. Bhatta Road
Guwahati - 781 003
Tel: 0361 - 2667382
Fax: 0361 - 2665914
E-mail: [email protected]
Established as a Centre of Excellence of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India.