National Green CorpsNGC-Bihar
NGC is a national school eco-club programme of Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) to inculcate environmental awareness in school children by involving them in environment-related activities. The clubs give them an opportunity to observe nature, learn about environment and its diversity, and the need to conserve ecological balance.
CEE is a resource agency for NGC programme in 15 States and 2 UTs, coordinating its implementation. As a resource agency, CEE is involved in selection of schools, organizing training programme for master trainers, teacher in charge of training and producing CEE’s locale specific resource material for NGC is being done.
Bihar State pollution Control Board (BSPCB) is the nodal agency in the State and CEE’s northern regional office with project office in Patna is the resource agency. There are 38 districts and around 9,500 schools are part of NGC programme in the State. Initially around 62 master trainers were trained. Recently refresher master trainers training programmes were organized where around 100 master trainers from the State were trained with the support from CEE. CEE along with BSPCB is organizing various NGC events on environment related days such as World Water Day, World Wetland Day, Earth Day, Ozone Day etc.
CEE North
19/323, Indira Nagar
Lucknow - 226 016
Uttar Pradesh
Tel: 0522 - 2716628
Fax: 0522 - 2716570
E-mail: [email protected]
Established as a Centre of Excellence of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India.