As an expert in the field of environment education and education for sustainable development, CEE was invited by Rajasthan State Bharat Scouts and Guides (RSBSG) to facilitate a state level capacity building camp of eco-club in-charges at Jaipur in January 2019. Around 100 teachers participated in the training and were provided an orientation to environmental education and the concept of sustainable development through interactive sessions using multiple teaching-learning approaches like games, demonstrations, experiments, etc. The training camp was organised under four themes: Waste management, Biodiversity, Water and sanitation and Climate change. National opportunities and programmes fostering education for sustainable development like Paryavaran Mitra and Wipro Earthian were introduced to the participants. Participants were given resource material on 'Sustainability and Water' and 'Sustainability and Biodiversity' to carry out action projects in their schools.
Established as a Centre of Excellence of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India.