In the aftermath of Jammu & Kashmir deluge in 2014, CEE Himalaya put together its relief and rehabilitation programme named Rebuilding Trust (RT). Under the RT relief material was distributed to most affected people. Psycho social care and support programmes were organized for the children and efforts were made to restore the education in schools. Weighing the disaster proneness of the state and underlying vulnerabilities, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in schools and through schools in community had greater impact and developed preparedness. For this with support from Give2Asia through the project Mustaidi means readiness or alertness, DRR programmes were conducted for the children in schools and the larger village communities. This was done through extensive community based disaster risk management (CBDRM) approach. Kashmir Valley being very prone to disasters, it becomes a requisite that the residents of the Valley must be prepared to handle any disaster or emergency as well as bounce joyful method of teaching and learning in 2500 schools of Baramulla District, Jammu and Kashmir.
CEE has also constructed eight sustainable model schools named Anandshalas (Joyful School) in Uri tehsil of Baramulla District, post Kashmir Earthquake 2005. These schools enrich education by linking classroom teaching with the outside environment. Students are involved in different activities - gardening, bird watching, flora and fauna species identification, eco-camps and yoga, apart from the regular school curriculum.
Mustaidi In the aftermath of Jammu & Kashmir deluge in 2014, CEE Himalaya put together its relief and rehabilitation programme named Rebuilding Trust (RT). Under the RT relief material was distributed to most affected people. Psycho social care and support programmes were organized for the children and efforts were made to restore the education in schools. Weighing the disaster proneness of the state and underlying vulnerabilities, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in schools and through schools in community had greater impact and developed preparedness. For this with support from Give2Asia through the project Mustaidi means readiness or alertness, DRR programmes were conducted for the children in schools and the larger village communities. This was done through extensive community based disaster risk management (CBDRM) approach. Kashmir Valley being very prone to disasters, it becomes a requisite that the residents of the Valley must be prepared to handle any disaster or emergency as well as bounce back to normalcy. Hence the project "Mustaidi" - Promoting Community Based Disaster Management to mitigate the impact of disasters on the life and property through disaster risk reduction awareness and preparedness amongst the community through the students and teachers of 15 schools of Srinagar city, Jammu & Kashmir worst hit in September 2014 deluge has been working towards awareness and capacity building of people so that people are fully prepared to manage any disaster.
Established as a Centre of Excellence of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India.