Rhino - Tiger Conservation
Rhino - Tiger Conservation Project:
Rhino and Tiger Conservation Education is a project undertaken by CEE North-East supported by United States Fish and Wildlife Service (U.S. FWS). This project includes development and production of educational programmes and materials and implementation of Rhino and Tiger Conservation Education Programme in around 100 schools from four rhino and tiger habitat of North-Eastern India. The project has been carried out around four protected areas, viz. Orang National Park (Rajiv Gandhi National Park), Pabitora WLS and Manas National Park (NP) in Assam, and Namdapha NP in Arunachal Pradesh. Orang and Manas are the shared habitat of rhino and tiger, Pabitora is a habitat of rhino and Namdapha is a habitat of Tiger. Manas and Namdapha are also designated as Tiger Reserves.
The objectives of the project is to create awareness on Rhino and Tiger Conservation including conservation of their habitats, and also to sensitize the communities about the issues related to conservation of Rhinos and Tigers. The project follows a multiplier approach wherein Teachers, local NGO members and Forest Field Personnel have been trained to impart Tiger and Rhino conservation education in a fun-filled manner with various activities. The trained personnel in turn educate students, villagers and visitors.
As part of the project, a teachers’ manual on tiger in Assamese and in Hindi is being developed. A poster on rhino conservation and two stickers on tiger and rhino have been deigned. A bookmark featuring Rhino with conservation message has also been developed.
CEE identified the schools with help from the local NGOs, local Education Officials and Forest Officials. Then, teachers’ training programmes are organized in all the four locations.
School awareness programmes based on the newly developed manual are being carried out in schools around Namdapha, Pabitora, Manas and Orang. CEE developed the modules for school programmes with inputs from educationist, foresters, and NGO workers. Playful learning through indoor and outdoor activities has been the strategy for the curriculum. Popular media like drama, mini drama, games, role play, collage making, etc have been used extensively in the module. CEE tested these modules in schools and fine tuned them. The activities thus developed were used during the training of the teachers. After incorporating all the feedbacks, the module based on the Nature Scope India Tiger manual of CEE was developed in Assamese and Hindi.
Regular interactions with Forest Department Officials are held during the project. Following request from Forest Department Officials, community interaction for conservation of rhino and tiger and their habitat are often organized in Manas and Orang National Park. Contact:
CEE North-East
Chenikuthi, K.K. Bhatta Road
Guwahati - 781 003
Tel: 0361 - 2667382
Fax: 0361 - 2665914
E-mail: [email protected]g
Established as a Centre of Excellence of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India.