Save Tiger
Tiger Conservation through Integrated Conservation:

The Conservation of Tiger through Integrated Conservation project undertaken by CEE-NE is supported by Save the Tiger Fund (STF) of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, USA, implemented in and around four tiger reserves, two in Assam (Manas and Nameri) and two in Arunachal Pradesh (Namdapha and Pakke).
The broad objectives and methodology of the project are to create awareness on conservation of Tiger & their habitats, to sensitise local communities on related issues, to exclusively focus on the Royal Bengal Tiger, to orient Forest Department personnel and a special programme for the village communities.
- Material Development:CEE-NE has developed an interactive CD-ROM on the Royal Bengal Tiger after extensive research.
- School Cluster Formation:Schools have been selected from around the Protected Areas for teacher training and school programmes. A multiplier approach is adopted wherein teachers, local NGO members and forest field personnel are trained to impart conservation education through various fun activities. They in turn will educate students, villagers and visitors. The project envisages direct interaction with students to reach out to their parents.
- Teachers’ Training:Four teachers training programmes were organized in Nameri, Pakke, Namdapha, and Manas.
- Forest Department Personnel Training:In December a workshop for the training Forest Department personnel on Tiger Census Techniques was organised in Pakke Tiger Reserve. The focus was on the understanding of the reasons for the reduction of population and habitats of Tiger in the region and their prey base
- Community Programme:Programme was held at Miao for communities around the Namdapha NP as part of the Namdapha Eco-Cultural Festival. CEE-NE staff interacted with the local people to enhance awareness of tiger conservation and related issues pertinent to their lives and livelihoods. Regular interaction with the communities around the NP is a continuing activity undertaken as part of the project.
NGO Interaction and Orientation:An NGO interaction programme was held at Nameri, to orient representatives of six NGOs to tiger conservation initiatives. Similar interactions with local NGOs were organised during the Manas Centenary Celebration and at Namdapha Contact:
CEE North East
Chenikuthi, K.K. Bhatta Road
Guwahati - 781 003
Tel: 0361 - 2667382
Fax: 0361 - 2665914
E-mail: [email protected]