Strengthening Environment Education in School System (StrEESS)StrEESS-Kerala

Since 2005, CEE is working with State Departments of Education (SDEs) across India towards Strengthening Environment Education in School System (StrEESS). Under the project, CEE initiated discussions with various State Education Departments. CEE has facilitated the development of proposals by various State Departments of Education focusing on the action plan for various activities such as developing / facilitating implementation of the EE curriculum, orientation of text book writers, development of text books, development of teaching-learning materials, teachers training etc.

CEE had discussions with General Education Department for revision of the proposal as per the comments form MoEF. The State has developed its own Kerala Curriculum Framework. Now state is in the process of developing the textbooks in phase wise manner. CEE has compiled a status report on EE in Kerala with the inputs from General Education Department, SCERT and Directorate of Higher Secondary Education. The EESS project was implemented in Kerala, however subsequent to EESS, revised state board textbooks were not brought out and hence review of EESS textbooks against the present day state textbooks was not taken up.


CEE South
Kamala Mansion
143, Infantry Road
Bangalore - 560 001
Tel: 080 - 22869094/22869907
Fax: 080 - 22868209