Provide infrastructure, educational, communication, and experiential support for developing village water supply, sanitation and hygiene systems.
Rapid urban growth has led to a virtual breakdown of civic systems and to environmental deterioration. These concerns build up slowly and are critical in the long-term for the well-being of city dwellers. Everyone, from planners to slum dwellers, needs to become more aware of this and do what they can to improve the situation. CEE organizes programmes to focus attention on the need for public interest and community involvement in order to improve the urban environment. It facilitates exchange of ideas on urban environment and planning issues through seminars, symposia, public meetings and exhibitions.
CEE has forged partnerships with local government bodies to carry out projects for triggering action for a better urban environment. These projects relate to aspects such as community hygiene, solid waste management and greening of urban spaces through community participation.
Major Programmes
Safer Roads for Safer Childhood (SRSC)
Urban Programme Activities in Pune Urban Programme Activities in Ahmedabad Urban Programme Activities in Guwahati
Established as a Centre of Excellence of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India.