School Water And Sanitation Towards Health and Hygiene (SWASTHH Plus):
This programme, initiated by UNICEF in collaboration with SSA in three districts of Karnataka, Gulbarga, Raichur and Tumkur, aims at universal enrolment, attendance and retention in an environment conducive to learning. Its key concern is to infuse attitudinal and behavioural changes among school children on better health and hygiene practices.
CEE South is one of the technical RAs identified for programme activities in Tumkur and Gulbarga districts. As part of this assignment, CEE has done the following:
•Analysis of Nali Kali syllabus Stds 1-5 and EVS syllabus Stds 3-5 to identify gaps in the infusion of health and hygiene in the syllabus.
•Developing supplementary education materials on health, hygiene and sanitation for teachers and students based on the analysis.
•Training programmes for teachers to sensitise and motivate them to effectively implement hygiene and sanitation related activities in schools through children.
The project covers five educational blocks in the two districts covering about 1600 teachers. The educational materials developed for it include
•Resource book on water and sanitation;
•Game chart on hygienic practices;
•Act Now booklet on personal hygiene;
•Set of five posters on water, health, sanitation and hygiene; and
•Flip chart highlighting hygienic behaviour.
CEE South
Kamala Mansion
143, Infantry Road
Bangalore - 560 001
Tel: 080 - 22869094/22869907
Fax: 080 - 22868209
E-mail: [email protected]
Established as a Centre of Excellence of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India.