Educating for Sustainability Action

International Conference, January 9-11, 2025, CEE, Ahmedabad.

Educating for Sustainability Action

This international conference will bring together some of the finest networks and organizations around the world working in the field of environmental education (EE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) to share research and experiences, to review new and creative methodologies for the formal, informal and non-formal education sectors and to discuss how education, acting as a driver of change, can better attain goals and targets in climate change, biodiversity, and pollution prevention at the national and international levels. It will review target 4.7 of the SDGs and the progress made towards this. It will discuss UNESCO’s Greening Education Partnership (GEP) in light of national experiences and ways to adapt and meet their targets.


Education is critical for this transformative change where people make informed decisions and act responsibly for environmental integrity, economic viability and a just society for present and future generations. As UN Secretary-General Mr Antonio Gutteres mentions in the UN Common Agenda, “The choices we make, or fail to make, today could result in breakdown or a breakthrough to a greener, better, safer future. The choice is ours to make”. CEE has collaborated with some of the best international organizations working in the field and has shared and showcased work done in India with the international communities and, through partnerships, ensured that India gets the benefit of some of the best pedagogies and methods we can adapt. CEE has also worked with UN organizations, particularly UNESCO, with whom CEE prepared the report on climate change education, launched last year by the Secretary of School Education and Literacy, GoI. We are also working closely with UNICEF on preparing a teacher module on climate change. readmore...

Conference Brochure

8th January, 2025
Time Session Title
9:30 - 16:00 Empowering Youth Champions to Combat Plastic Pollution – Tide Turners Plastic Challenge Symposium
14:00 - 16:00 TEE launch
10:00 - 16:00 Partners Meet on Plastic Waste
10:00 - 16:00 3rd Advisory Committee meeting on Climate Change Education for Teachers
10:00 - 15:00 Asia Regional Meet of FEE partners
16:30 - 18:30 CEE 40 Meet
9 January 10 January 11 January
Inaugural Plenary Session (10:00 – 11:30) Education For Circular Economy Plenary Session
  ( 9.30– 10.30)
Climate Change Education Plenary Session (10:00 – 11:00)
Tea Break (11:30 – 12:00) School and Higher education (10.30 – 11:30) Tea Break (11:00 – 11:30)
Biodiversity Education Plenary Session (12:00 – 13:00) Tea Break (11:30 – 12:00) Parallel Session 5
  (11:30 – 13:00)
Lunch and Visit to Exhibition (13:00 -14:00) Parallel Session 3
  (12:00 – 13:30)
Lunch and Visit to Exhibition (13:00 – 14:00)
Parallel Session 1
  (14:00 – 15:30)
Lunch and Visit to Exhibition (13:30 – 14:30) Closing Session (14:30 – 16:00)
Tea Break (15:30 – 16:00) Parallel Session 4
  (14.30 – 16.00)
Parallel Session 2
  (16:00 – 17:30)
Tea Break (16:00 – 16:30) International Conference on Educating for Sustainability Action
  CEE Ahmedabad
Emkerging Sustainability: The role of CSR in Driving Sustainable Development (17.30 – 19.00) Bringing a culture of Sustainability in the Higher Educattion Institutions (16.30 – 18.00)
High Tea (19:00 - 20:00
Darpana Show 'Meanwhile Elsewhere'
9th January, 2025
  Time Session Title
  14:00 - 15:30 Plastics Extended Producer Responsibility & Regulatory Framework
    Educating for Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality
    The Role of Subnational Policies in Meeting the Climate Change Challenge – Learnings from  SAPCC implementation In Indian States
    Harnessing New Tools and Technologies for Greening teaching and Learning
    Promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence
    Nature based learning pedagogy for early childhood Education 
  16:00 - 17:30 Road for Investments, Net Zero; Carbon Credit for Material Circularity.
    Educating for Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality
    Enabling Circularity in the Textile Sector
    Promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence in communities
    Paper presentation
    Safer Roads for Children and Adolescents
    Greening Education Partnership – Roadmap for Integrating Climate Change Education and Learning from India and outside
  17:30 - 19:00 Emerging Sustainability: The role of CSR in driving Sustainable Development
10th January, 2025
  Time Session Title
  12:00 - 13:30 Material Recovery Facilities and Material Recovery Centres - Way Forward
    Citizen Science for Sustainability
    Interpretation for public sustainability Education 
    Towards a model village - role of education
    Green Curriculum
    Flowing Knowledge: Advancing Ecosystem Restoration Education through River Ecosystems
    Working with media to create change 
  14:30 - 16:00 Green Skills, innovation, Entrepreneurship and Skilling Approaches for management & operations for Plastic. 
    Role of Education in implementing NBSAPs
    Towards a Sustainable Model village - Combating Climate Change
    Creating Impactful Public Communication strategies 
    The Inconvinient Truth and overlook and the way forward from the Tripple plenetary crisis 
    Building Sustainable Campuses: Empowering Institutions for Enviromental Leadership
    Solution focused Teaching Approaches for Sustainability
  16:30 - 18:00  Bringing a Culture of Sustainability in the Higher Education Institutions
11th January, 2025
  Time Session Title
  11:30 - 13:00 Harvesting change through equitable Health Education 
    Ecosystems in Action: Collaborative Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation
    Teacher Education for Sustainable Development: Imperatives for Transformative Learning
    Urban Sustainablity
    AI in Sustainability Education
    Sustainability and Handloom Traditions of India

Conference Registration :
Participants who are registering for the conference for all three days will gain access to all sessions, conference kit, lunch and tea during the conference, and free wifi.


 Indian (in INR)

International (in USD)

Corporates/ Businesses



NGOs/ Govt. Bodies



Scientific & Research  Institutions, Universities



Schools/ Teachers 



University Students/ Youth



CEE Alumni 



TEE Alumni



For those who are attending the conference for one Day Only :
Participants can register in advance or on the day of the event will get access to all sessions of that day,  Kit, lunch and tea


Single Day Registration


 Indian (in INR)

International (in USD)

Individual (1 Day)



Note : Participants attending only one parallel session will register exclusively for that session; meals and the conference kit are not included, but individuals can purchase food coupons separately.

For any query contact secretariat at [email protected]

Refund Policyand Terms and Conditions

1. Recommendations
2. MoUs and collaborations
3. Book releases
4. Course announcement

Click here for Selected Abstracts of ESA 2025

Submission Closed

Centre for Environment Education (CEE) invites researchers, Educators, and academics to submit their original research papers for the upcoming conference “Education for Sustainability Action” by CEE, which will be held from 9 to 11 January 2025 in Ahmedabad, India.

This Conference will explore the role of education in addressing the Triple Planetary Crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, including integrating sustainable practices into education systems.
A jury will review papers, and those meeting the quality specifications will have a chance to be published. 

Themes for Submission

  • Circular Economy
    Exploring capacity building needs and opportunities for sustainable production, consumption, and waste reduction through circular economy models, focusing on sectors like plastics, textiles and industry.
  • Green Skills and Green Jobs
    Preparing individuals for employment in emerging green industries, addressing the growing demand for sustainable skills and job opportunities.
  • Climate Change Education
    Innovative approaches and strategies to incorporate climate change into educational curriculums, engaging learners at all levels and building the capacity of educators and institutions.
  • Model Villages
    Case studies and initiatives focused on creating sustainable, climate-resilient model villages that promote community-driven sustainability practices.
  • Sustainable Mobility and Road Safety
    Addressing transportation systems that reduce carbon emissions, increase safety, and promote sustainable mobility solutions in different sectors including school campuses.
  • Biodiversity Conservation
    Integration of biodiversity conservation into education, focusing on teaching methods, community projects, and tools that raise awareness and encourage action to protect biodiversity.
  • Coastal and Marine Environment
    Solutions for protecting coastal ecosystems and promoting sustainable marine resource management through education and community engagement.
  • Greening Education
    Addressing curriculum development, transforming institutional campuses, building teacher capacity, and expanding community outreach are key to greening education.
  • Technology, Media, and AI
    Harnessing technology, media, and artificial intelligence to enhance environmental education and promote awareness.
  • Youth Leadership
    Empowering youth as leaders in sustainability with innovative programs that engage young people in addressing environmental challenges.

Important Dates

  • Abstracts Submission Deadline- 30th November 2024
  • Acceptance Notification: 15 th December, 2024.
  • Conference Date: 9-11th January 2025

Submission Guidelines
Please adhere to the following submission guidelines:

Manuscript Length and Structure

  • Word Limit: The research paper should not exceed 8,000 words (including references, tables, and figures).
  • Abstract: Provide a structured abstract of no more than 150 words, summarising the purpose of your research, key findings, and conclusions.
  • Keywords: Include 4 to 6 keywords after the abstract relevant to your research topic.

Figures, Tables, and Graphics

  • Ensure that all figures, tables, and images are clear, high-resolution and appropriately numbered.
  • Figures should be referenced in the text with placeholders indicating their position (e.g., [insert Figure 1]).
  • If necessary, submit figures as separate files and clearly indicate where they should be placed in the manuscript.

Title Page
The Title Page should include:

  • Title of the Paper
  • Author Details: Full names, affiliations, and contact information for each author.
  • Corresponding Author: Clearly identify the corresponding author with full contact details (email, institutional address).
  • Acknowledgments: Mention any relevant acknowledgements.
  • Conflict of Interest Declaration: State any potential conflicts of interest.
  • Funding Information: Provide details of any funding sources supporting the research.
  • Ethical Approval: If applicable, include statements of ethical approval and informed consent for research involving human or animal subjects.

Manuscript Formatting

  • Submissions should be in Microsoft Word format.
  • No specific template is required, but ensure clearly defined heading levels and well-organized sections.
  • Manuscripts should be anonymised for peer review, with all identifying information removed from the main text and placed on the Title Page.

Reference Style and Citations

  • Use the APA citation style for references and in-text citations.
  • Ensure every in-text citation has a corresponding entry in the reference list, and vice versa.
  • References to preprints should be updated once the peer-reviewed version becomes available.

Submission Confirmation

  • By submitting your research paper, you confirm that the work is original, has not been previously published, and is not under consideration elsewhere.
  • You also confirm that you have obtained the necessary permissions for any third-party materials in your submission.
  • The manuscript must be submitted with the consent of all contributing authors.

Supplemental Materials 
If relevant to your research, you may include supplemental files such as datasets or additional media (e.g., videos). These should be submitted as separate files and referenced in the text.


Selected abstracts will be shared on the conference website and Authors of selected papers will be invited to present at the ESA Conference as either posters or presentations.

Contact Information

For paper submissions, please email [email protected]
For conference queries, please email [email protected]



ESA Paper and Poster presentation guidelines

For Paper Presentation specifications kindly refer to the guidelines below:

  1. Language: English
  2. PPT length: 10-15 slides
  3. Font: Sans serif/Helvetica/ Arial
  4. Font size: 24
  5. Layout: Landscape
  6. Format: .pptx/.ppt
  7. Presenters of accepted papers should provide presentations in advance by 30th December
  8. Presentation should be prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint version (2016 or 2019).
  9. Use Standard Size. Preferred page set-up is landscape orientation.
  10. Use standard Windows fonts only (Arial/Times New Roman). Try to avoid use of non-standard Windows fonts or language specific fonts.
  11. Please use the "insert image from a file" functionality from PowerPoint (format JPG or PNG).

For Poster Presentation specifications kindly refer to the guidelines below:

    • The poster title, author(s)'s name(s) and affiliation(s) should be placed at the top of the poster.
    • The poster size should be 4 feet (height) and 3 feet (width) (4 X 3)
    • Use large fonts, such as font size 36-48 for section headings and font size 20-28 for text.
    • Organisers will guide the display of poster at designated spot at the conference venue.
    • Presenters will be responsible for mounting their posters.
    • Posters will be available for viewing throughout the conference and must be taken down after the scheduled program.
    • Poster presenters need to make themselves available for presentation and discussion during the formal poster sessions.


Special Performance by Darpana Academy of Performing Arts

A special performance by Darpana Academy of Performing Arts of “Meanwhile Elsewhere” directed and produced by Yadavan Chandran has been arranged for Conference participants at Natarani Amphitheatre at 8.30pm on January 9th. This show offers rich sensory theatre based on Italo Calvino’s celebrated book Invisible Cities. The show features Mallika Sarabhai and others in a fascinating interpretation of Calvino’s poetic philosophy around space, structures, time, human desire, endeavor and the endless connections that form the web of life – a core sustainability concept.

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